I was out with some single friends last week and we started talking about online dating. As soon as the words came into the air each woman just kind of sank in her chair, like a deflated balloon. I feel the same way, don’t get me wrong, and I am wondering if that attitude somehow leaks through my pores and is evident to my dates? You think? Like I’m a skunk and feel danger!

So, I’ve decided to make a shift in my way of thinking and I will get back to that in a minute. First I want to tell you about a sales training I once attended back in my first life: I sold media for a number of years. The trainer said to us that we should not hold disdain for our clients. He said that while we may not be crazy about some them, they are the people who put bread on our tables and that we should think of them as such. That really hit home for me. I thought about the times when I would whine to myself because I had to call on client A or client B and wasn’t looking forward to it. After he said that I felt like maybe that came through in my body language and vocal tone.

I remember that little nugget often, especially when I’m meeting with someone for any reason and I am not super excited to see them. I try to think about what I want the outcome to be and set my mind and demeanor accordingly.

The same holds true for online dating: how can I expect to meet someone great online when my attitude about the whole thing is negative? It’s just not logical, is it? And, really, what would it be like if there was no online dating? I have met some very nice men, maybe not the right fit but some nice men, through online dating. Honestly, every single man I have met since I have been on my own has been online in some fashion, whether it has been a dating site or another social website.

Here’s the change I am going to make and I want you to think about making the change as well: I am going to face online dating with a new, positive attitude. I will have a smile on my face when I look at dating profiles, even though no one can see me.

Now let me say this, if you are not interested in dating, great. But, if it’s fear or frustration with dating sites, then give it another try. The odds of meeting someone without a dating site are about the same as winning the lottery (although show me the money any day over a date!).

Next week I will tell you about a “best practices” way of going on a first date that has worked well for me over the last couple of years.