Self Discovery

5 Keys to Conquering Loneliness

August 5, 2019

I published this article a little over a year ago and I still get comments on it, so I thought I would repost it for you ladies.  Hope it gives you some good ideas.

So, you are starting over on a new path and you are killing it!  You are happy, you are fulfilled and you are living the life you have always dreamed of living. But, no matter how much you keep telling yourself how great your new life is, you are lonely. Yep, there are times when you are crushingly lonely.

For me, as my marriage of more than 30 years ended, I began moving forward with a vengeance: I was never going to look back, I told myself, and, the truth is, I didn’t.  I didn’t romanticize my marriage in my head. But, the hard facts are that lots of the important family events had to be divided in two now: some with Mom and some with Dad.  And, while I was prepared to share our adult children, there were times that it just brought me to my knees.  I had to keep reminding myself that half of the holidays with my children now is hundreds of times better than the holidays of the past: everyone was enjoying them but me back then.

I had to come up with ways to fight off the demons that sat on my shoulders and told me how much better my life was when I was married.  So I did just that: I fought them off.  I don’t mean to sound flip about the heartache of loneliness in the moment.  But I am suggesting that if you try to be proactive and make plans to get you through the rough patches ahead of time, you will, at least, feel proud of yourself for not just letting loneliness run you over and flatten you like a pancake.

Make a Plan

The first time I was going to be alone on Christmas morning I could see it coming.  I was not going to like it one bit.  I knew I would be with my adult children the rest of Christmas day, but I dreaded waking up alone and having a big pity party.  So, I talked with a friend who was not busy until later in the day as well.  We decided to go to a movie in the morning.  It was great.  I got up, I was happy.  I was doing something that I love, going to a movie. And, when the movie was over, I would be coming home and having the rest of the day with the kids.  By having a plan in place I was able to push through what could have been a disastrous morning.

Learn Something New

I am a pretty social person, and I do not like being alone when I think everyone else in the world is having fun without me.  Where I live, college football is everything.   I honestly don’t care one bit about the game itself, but I love the tailgating before.  I have found that I get a little blue on those game days.  Rather than sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself, I find that learning something new makes me feel proud of myself and productive in the moment.  I have a running list of things I would like to learn more about, whether it is being better at social media or learning a new knitting stitch or figuring out how to put on false eyelashes, it makes me feel good to know that I moved the needle forward rather than boohooing.  I always feel good learning new things.

Plan a Trip

Nothing, in my opinion, is more fun than planning a trip.  It doesn’t need to be huge, just something that I can get excited about.  The planning is the best part of the trip anyway so I can spend hours figuring out where and when to go, what to see and where to stay.  It takes up a lot of time and entertains me.  I might plan a trip for myself or for me and my children, which makes the planning even more fun.  We can communicate about what to do and where to go and it is just fun.  If I am traveling alone, I keep in mind that maybe one day we might want to do this as a family.

No Commiserating if Your Goal is Conquering Loneliness

This is a hard fast rule: do not spend time with someone who is a Debbie Downer when you are already going down that sadsack rabbit hole.  All that will do is bring you down more.  It just isn’t a good idea, anytime, and certainly not when you are feeling blue.  Save that for another day.

Eat Ice Cream

This is the most important advice I can give any woman who is feeling lonely.  Eat ice cream.  Eat ice cream until you can’t move!  The end.  It is nature’s little anti-depressant and cures your woes.  Of course, I am kidding.  Sadly I ate ice cream every time I was lonely or sad in my marriage.  I ate a lot of ice cream.  Too much and I am paying the price.  But, it got me through a lot of troubled times.  My point is, go easy on yourself.  If treating yourself is what you need to help you move through a rough patch, have at it.

Starting your life over at any age is not an easy task, and starting over a little later in life is that much more difficult.  Remember, your life is only going to get better when you take charge.  I would love to hear any suggestions that have worked for you to get yourself through difficult times. Share your strategies here and you might read some new ones from other readers.

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Online Dating

July 15, 2019

I was out with some single friends last week and we started talking about online dating. As soon as the words came into the air each woman just kind of sank in her chair, like a deflated balloon. I feel the same way, don’t get me wrong, and I am wondering if that attitude somehow leaks through my pores and is evident to my dates? You think? Like I’m a skunk and feel danger!

So, I’ve decided to make a shift in my way of thinking and I will get back to that in a minute. First I want to tell you about a sales training I once attended back in my first life: I sold media for a number of years. The trainer said to us that we should not hold disdain for our clients. He said that while we may not be crazy about some them, they are the people who put bread on our tables and that we should think of them as such. That really hit home for me. I thought about the times when I would whine to myself because I had to call on client A or client B and wasn’t looking forward to it. After he said that I felt like maybe that came through in my body language and vocal tone.

I remember that little nugget often, especially when I’m meeting with someone for any reason and I am not super excited to see them. I try to think about what I want the outcome to be and set my mind and demeanor accordingly.

The same holds true for online dating: how can I expect to meet someone great online when my attitude about the whole thing is negative? It’s just not logical, is it? And, really, what would it be like if there was no online dating? I have met some very nice men, maybe not the right fit but some nice men, through online dating. Honestly, every single man I have met since I have been on my own has been online in some fashion, whether it has been a dating site or another social website.

Here’s the change I am going to make and I want you to think about making the change as well: I am going to face online dating with a new, positive attitude. I will have a smile on my face when I look at dating profiles, even though no one can see me.

Now let me say this, if you are not interested in dating, great. But, if it’s fear or frustration with dating sites, then give it another try. The odds of meeting someone without a dating site are about the same as winning the lottery (although show me the money any day over a date!).

Next week I will tell you about a “best practices” way of going on a first date that has worked well for me over the last couple of years.

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What’s Holding You Back?

July 8, 2019

So, what’s holding you back? Do you think you’ve conquered every demon you have inside from your past? I thought so, but it seems there’s always one more to squash.

Just when I think I have far surpassed my expectations for my new single life, that little devil on my shoulder brings me back to reality, and lets me know that he’s not going away anytime soon: that there will always be remnants of a long, unhappy marriage that alter my thinking via my emotions. Here’s what happened last week:

I have a little convertible that my husband bought me as a gift about 18 years ago. It was expensive: not something I would ever be able to afford now. I loved that car, but it did not fit with my new lifestyle: I couldn’t put a bike rack on it and I ride my bike a lot. And, if there was so much as a flake of snow on the ground I wasn’t going anywhere until the roads were clear. And, of course, it only had two seats.

I’ve needed to replace the vehicle, but my finances are so different from what they were before, and while I am not a totally material girl, I don’t mind admitting that I like nice things. I started to look but didn’t find anything that fit the bill. Then it happened: the clouds opened up to sunlight and the angels started singing and I found my a-little-less-than-new car. Worry set in that I couldn’t afford it, so I went to the dealership and they worked up the numbers and I walked out with a car. Hooray for me!

I honestly had no idea that my old car represented so much to me, but it did. It was holding me back. It was no different from the feeling I had when I was looking for an apartment prior to leaving my husband: the apartments all looked like the ones I had in college and I just couldn’t face the feeling of defeat. But when I walked into my one-room loft downtown I fell in love. I didn’t have to settle for less, I just had to find something that was me. It was the same with the car. Just because I have less money to spend doesn’t have to hold me back from, well, anything!

I learned a couple of lessons buying this new car. First, I created a solution to a situation that was causing me to feel grouchy, even though it was just a silly car. It was what the car represented that mattered. And, second, the way I was feeling about that car was holding me back. I had no idea. Crazy, right?

Now, I realize that there are lots of little things in my life that might be holding me back, that I don’t change, yet I don’t feel good about either. That realization, in my opinion, is huge. I can tell already that I am full of the most minute instances in which I am holding myself back.

I know, this doesn’t sound like much, but it has made a huge difference in the way I am looking at myself and my life and my past. And, the car can represent anything: a wedding ring, your mother’s furniture, even the house that you got in the divorce that is crumbling around you. All of this baggage, from my car to your house, has an effect on our outlooks. And, just by changing the roles of those “things” in your life, you can change everything.

I hope you will take this post and use it to motivate you to think about the things that hold you back. They can be big or small, but no matter the size, they can be critical to your outlook. I think what I am saying is Happy Independence Day!

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You Never Know When You are Saving a Life

June 27, 2019

I was having a cocktail with my friend Bart after returning from the holidays, and we were just rehashing our past couple of weeks and talking about what we each have to come in the months ahead.  As we were clinking our glasses to the new year, I said, “You saved my life last year.”  I meant it.  I know it sounds dramatic, but he really had saved my life: he was the person who swept me up when I was a puddle on the floor.  If you have been through a divorce you know what I am talking about.  Or if you have been through any life-altering tragedy, you know.

He was the friend who dropped everything when I called sobbing and listened while I droned on and on about the daily issues I was facing as my 30-year marriage was collapsing around me.  He was also the friend who told me I was wrong when I was wrong (which did not even happen one time, I must say).

Then I started thinking about other friends who, whether they knew it or not, had been a bridge for me to cross from one day to the next day when I wasn’t sure I would make it.  It may sound dramatic, but if you have been there, you know.  Each and every one was my lifesaver on one or more days. Whether it was a friend who told me he was proud of me or a couple who invited me over for Tuesday dinner,  those have been as important to my forward motion as attorneys and accountants.

So my charge to anyone reading this is to remember to be a friend.  That’s it, just be a good friend.  Easy right? You never know what’s going on behind the scenes in someone’s life.

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What Do I Do with My New Freedom?

June 20, 2019

Repost from November 2015

Everything in my life is in upheaval.  It is not all bad, but it is true.  My thirty-year marriage is ending, I hope sooner rather than later.  I have sold one business and will sign the papers this week for the sale of the second one.  I am looking at a freedom that I have never had in my life

I was in the restaurant business and just hated every minute of it.  Ten years ago when I made the decision to purchase the business, I was doing everything I could to feel like I was important, especially to my husband.  After several bad, bad years I had finally pulled it out of the red when our parent company decided to make a major change.  It was going to cost more money, so when buyers showed up at my door I already had a pen in hand, ready to sign.
But now I find that I am on the verge of complete freedom and I don’t know what to do with it.  The kids are all in their twenties and live coast to coast.  Many of my friends are beginning to retire or are becoming grandparents, which will not be happening for a while here.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining.  I know I am the luckiest girl in the world.  But I don’t really have a compass guiding me, even a little.  Just a great big ball of nothing is in front of me.  Isn’t that always the way: when I am super busy I long for a day to sit in front of daytime TV and knit.  And when I have time to do that, I wish someone needed me.  Just as I am sitting here I am telling myself to relax.  Let life happen, because it is going to happen anyway.
In the meantime, I am going to finish a sweater that I started knitting.  I will start sewing again.  I am signing up for Pilates classes.  Yes, I am doing it all!
Also, many, many people are going to be calling me to hire me.  They are probably talking about me right now.  Don’t you think?
I am going to have a party…that’s right, a big party for Christmas.  I will show off my new apartment.  I’m sure that someone will bring a handsome single man to said party.  I will fall in love.  Wait, he will fall in love with me.  Better.  Everyone will envy my new found freedom and will comment on how my new life agrees with me.
The next day,  I will clean up…and probably cancel pilates class.
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