I talk to so many women who have been single for quite a while and would like to meet someone and maybe go on a date or two.  When they ask me how I met a guy and I tell them that we met online, they nearly pass out!  “Is it safe?”  That is the next question 100% of the time.  These are the same women who would buy a Louis Vuitton bag on eBay, the same women who will buy Cher tickets on StubHub, and they ask me if it is safe to meet someone online.  Go figure.  Do they think I invite a stranger to my door and greet him wearing plastic wrap?  I do not.  So, let me tell you how I do it and have met several very nice men, and met some big weiners, too! So online dating, what are you afraid of?

When I started looking at dating sites I was nervous.  It made me feel exposed.  Then I realized that I was only exposing what I chose to, and that doesn’t have to be much.  I only post a few general photos and a few facts about myself and that’s it.  More than that is not necessary.  Do not, I repeat, do not post a photo of your cat.  I know that sounds mean but I have heard that from more than a few men who are on the sites.  So just be “professional” when you post your profile on any dating site.  And,  if  you like to swing from the chandelier naked, good for you, but you might want to wait until you meet in person before you fly your freak flag!

I remember when I first had someone show some interest in me I was terrified.  I hadn’t been asked on a date in about 35 years.  I continued to message him back and forth for way too long then, at the end of the day, we weren’t a match and I felt like I had wasted a lot of time.  If you are interested in someone and he is interested in you, a few messages back and forth ought to do it.  You can plan to meet at a public place for a drink or coffee to see if this is worth pursuing for either of you.  Don’t invite him back to your place.  Don’t go to his place.  Don’t even drive away until he is gone if you are feeling uncertain.  Just use your common sense.

You need to put your big girl pants on because there is lots of rejection.  Don’t get in a twist about it: that just means you are getting closer to Mr. Right.  I know that’s not easy, and that it might be why you haven’t dipped your toe in the online dating pond, but if I can do it anyone can.  I do not take rejection well, but I figure it’s his loss, right?

Men have told me two scenarios about meeting women online that seem universal and they don’t like it: one is that their date is interviewing for a husband and the other has to do with wanting to know about the man’s finances.  They do not like this!  I don’t think I would either.  Before I had heard these categories I had already come up with my own answer to, “What are you looking for?”  This is it: “I don’t know what I am looking for but what I can tell you is that I am not looking for a pen pal (I don’t want someone who is just into texting, and that is a thing for various reasons) and I am not looking for a husband.  That seems to be succinct enough for them.

Now, after all those caveats, the best reason to begin online dating is that you just might meet someone with whom you have lots in common and have a great time together, whether or not it’s love.  That’s worthwhile.