Repost from 1/4/2016
Even though we all make resolutions for the new year ahead, I have always felt that the new year starts the first Monday after the holidays. It’s when all kids are back in school, and everyone gets back to the routine of work and daily life. So, on the Sunday before the Monday I was busy making lists, doing laundry, cleaning out the refrigerator and getting ready for all the good things that are coming my way in 2016. Then, I overslept this morning by two hours. Not 15 minutes but two hours! Is that an omen for the upcoming year that I am so sure is going to be spectacular? Am I going to sleep through this year and be making the same resolutions next year? No! No! No! It is all happening this year. Why? Because 2016 is the year of Paula, that’s why.
I have decided that rather than look at all the changes I want to make right now, I am going to look at what my life will look like on December 31, 2016. Her we go.
I will be thin, needless to say. Oprah and I will be thin as thin can be by the end of next year. While, I have not signed up for her Weight Watchers, I am very inspired by her commercials on TV and I know that’s all it will take to get me on the right path. So far today I am on a strict diet of frozen grapes and Genoa Salami. Baby steps. As I lose weight, the evidence of all the hard work I have put in at the gym will become evident. I will be stunning and an inspiration as well, no other way to put it.
My employment will be super lucrative, and I will be in demand. Maybe it will be my very popular blog that read by hundreds of thousands of women and is under consideration for an on demand sitcom. While I am busy with the blog, I will also be working with a partner on our social media company. And, my idea for another business services organization will take off and have me traveling quite a bit, to cities I have never visited. My life will be super glam.
I will have invested a small amount of money in women-owned businesses. I will have donated my time and money to a few local causes that I support. For me, that is the best feeling in the world.
Love…I will be in it. I might be in love with one person or with several, and they will be in love with me, too. It goes without saying that many men will be in love with me. After all, I am hot and thin and making big bucks, and I look like what 60 should be. ..awesome.
Since I will qualify as a senior citizen, I will be taking free classes offered by local universities to improve myself. By next year, I will be well schooled in new interests to expand my mind and make me just that much more attractive.
And, I will be cooking more. And I will have knitted several sweaters. And I will be sewing. And I will be riding a motor scooter. I will have long hair, and it will look great.
That is where I will be when the New Year 2017 comes around. Can’t wait!
What junk!!!!
So glad you like it Yolanda!