I am working on a book and here is a brief intro. I would love for you to give me your advice about being single and over 50. Let me know what you think about the book and tell me what your biggest obstacles have been. Can’t wait to hear from you.
If you are over 50 and single it’s likely that a series of events has brought you to this place: and even more likely that all of those events were not pleasant ones. Probably, life has dealt you some rotten cards along the way.
Through my website, startingoveratsixty.com, I have met and talked with so many women who are single and feel like something is missing in their lives. Life hasn’t always been kind to them and they are just a little bit sad. They want to be happier but need some help figuring out how to get there. I get it. When I first became single I felt like a deer in the headlights: I had no idea how to move forward. I was in pain, I was lonely, I had been married forever, I needed to make new friends, I lived in a new neighborhood, I didn’t know if I was going to have enough money. You name it, I was lost.
I began writing about how unhappy I was and through that writing I began to understand that the only way things would get better would be if I changed them. And, I was not going down without a fight! So I made it my mission to change my life and make it a happy one. I can honestly say that I am as happy as I have ever been and I want all of you to be living at your best level, too. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a shrink. I am not a wellness expert, but I am a woman who knows when she needs to make changes to her life and does it.
Why am I writing this book? Because I hear from so many women who are looking for ways to improve their single lives and I think I can help. I hope you find some nuggets of ideas that you will work into your own life. Let’s go!
I’m turning 60 in 2020 and don’t look or feel it. I’m writing detective novels to restart my financial independence and to reinvest in a Brokerage account because I want to live now off my dividends and cash flow.
Good for you Margaret. I love it! I hope every one of our SOAS Sisters takes a lesson from you. While all of us aren’t authors, we each have a talent or gift that we can use to improve our financial position in life. Please keep us posted and thank you for reading Starting Over at Sixty.
Life took me here and I am so happy to see I am not alone!
You are absolutely not alone, Diane! And, things are only going to get better and better for you. Keep that in your mind and on your heart.