A colleague introduced me to a young woman who needed some help or advice for her vision of an organization dedicated to helping women 18-34 get a leg up, get themselves moving in a positive direction.  I was happy to do it, and when we met for a cup of coffee I was reminded how much enthusiasm can come out of one person: like a puppy wagging its tail so hard it falls over (I mean that in the most positive way).  She was excited, she had events planned, she wanted to do something good.  Just do good for these young women.  She is driven, and maybe just lacks some direction and organizational skills to get herself going.  So we talked for a while and I asked if she has an elevator pitch: a sentence or two or three that would tell the story of her organization to someone she might meet in an elevator.  When she said she had never heard of that before, I told her to start there.  I know she will do it and I will feel like I was able to help another lady out.

For some of you, an elevator pitch is a well-known phrase, for others, you’ve never heard the term.  It doesn’t matter.  The point is that I knew something that she didn’t and I was able to give her that little nugget to get her focused.  Easy, right?  Yes, it was and is easy.  That is what I want to share today: that all of us women of a certain age have tons to offer other women and this is the year to get all that knowledge out there.

I think that we will look back at 2018 as the Year of the Woman.  The movement got started with the Women’s March in January 2017, which led to additional activism along the way.  Add to that the #MeToo movement and by the end of 2017, women were poised with a strength that I am not sure I have witnessed.  It wasn’t some women, it was all women.  And now, it isn’t just women, and I think that makes an enormous difference.  Once evolved men began to see what women had been up against for so many years, they too started to take action and got onboard.  Make no mistake about it, if you are a politician you know without appealing to women and women’s issues in your next election, you are going to have a very difficult time getting elected.


So where am I going with this?  Here it is: this is our time and we are not passed our prime.  We are necessary to the women’s movement.  We women 50+ may have felt a little invisible from time to time, but no longer.  It is not only our privilege it is our duty to help other women get to the top of their game, whatever that is.  It is our obligation to help other women who are struggling financially.  Helping is what we women do and we should be doing it for other women as much as we can.  Let’s focus on supporting other women and watch what happens.  I know it will be amazing what comes of us working together.

I plan on continuing the discussion about how we women can help one another over the course of the year.  I hope you will contribute to that discussion with ideas and what you see working in your community.  This week, think about what you can do to Help Another Lady Out.  FYI, my original title for this article was Help Another Girl, but #HAG was more than I could stand!