The answer is yes, looks matter, but not in the way you might think. It truly doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters what you think you look like. Those of you who are Starting Over at SIxty Sisters may have heard this story and if so, I apologize.
I went to a wedding one Saturday evening solo. If you have done this you know, it isn’t easy. Honestly, I had poured myself into my outfit and I felt terrible: yanking my blouse down all night and twisting my skirt back where it belonged. I hated myself!
The next morning I put on a new outfit, one that I thought made me look like a million bucks, and I felt like I looked great. I felt confident, I felt professional and I felt like I was on top of my game. So what was the difference? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I looked exactly the same in that 12 hour period but I felt awful in one outfit and great in another. The only difference was the way I felt, not the clothes on my back. It wasn’t about the cost of the clothes or the style or the size or the color. It was about how I felt.
So, you can imagine how I carried myself when I was feeling like dog poop. I sat in my chair longer than I normally would have and I didn’t mingle or put myself out there in any way. Fast forward to the next day, when I thought I was the belle of the ball, talking to people, introducing myself and reaching out to others. The polar opposite of who I had been 12 hours prior. AND NOTHING HAD CHANGED.
Think about this, if I only kept the clothes in my closet that make me feel like a rockstar, what would change? How would my life be different on a daily basis? I can tell you: your mood would be elevated. You would have some pep in your step. You would take more risks because you would have more confidence in your self and the way you look. But remember this: the only change would be in your head. the only person who needs to think you look good is you.
You can decide whether or not to clean out your closet and toss those pieces that don’t make you feel good about yourself. At the very least, pull out your five favorite outfits and wear them this week and see how it changes your attitude. I promise you will feel your mood lift and you will feel better about yourself, because looks do matter but only in your head.
When my hair is a good hair day, when my clothes are a good clothes day…then I have a good day!!!
I hear you Joy!!!