
What Does “Go Get ‘Em” Mean to You?

January 30, 2017

At a Starbucks that I drive through a couple of times each week, the Barista hands me my drink and says, “Go get ’em!”  The first time I heard it I thought he was talking to someone else.  Then, I realized he was talking to me and every other car that goes through the window.  It made me think about what it means. Now, I have started saying that to myself every morning when I wake up.  I don’t say, “Rats, it’s morning.” Actually, some days I do say that. But you can’t lay in bed for another 20 minutes after you say to yourself, “Go get ’em.”  You just can’t do it.

Now, I don’t say to myself , “Oh no, hello morning. I am not ready for you.”  Actually, some days I do say that. But you can’t lay in bed for another 20 minutes after you say to yourself, “Go get ’em.”  You just can’t do it.  It feels lazy.

So, I try to have my day laid out in my head when it hits the pillow, so I don’t worry about it in the middle of the night and toss and turn.  That allows me to “Go get ’em.”  I find myself in such a bad mood when my day gets derailed: when the things that I wanted to accomplish just get put on the next day’s list. It makes me grouchy.  So, I look at my calendar every evening to get myself ready for the next day, even if my day is wide open (isn’t that about the best feeling on earth?).  If I am working out first, I get my workout clothes out and ready to be slipped on, so I can sleep until the final second, then “Go get ’em.”

If it is not a workout day, I have my clothes all picked out.  I don’t like the feeling of having to hear the weather forecast them come up with something when I could have done that the night before.  I have my bag ready and my electronics ready for action.  I know, I know, it is a little silly, but it works for me.  I like the feeling of being in control of the morning.

For me, what “go get ’em” means is that I am ready for that busy day.  I am charging forward and making progress daily.  I like that.  I find that the older that I get the less time I want to waste.  I want to fit everything into every day.  I don’t want to just coast.

That doesn’t mean I want to be on the run all the time.  I do not.  I love my downtime.  But I find that the more I “Go get ’em,” the more downtime I create for myself.  It’s the best.

Whatever it takes to put that spring in your step, to get you fired up for the day, do it.  It makes life so much more enjoyable and satisfying.

Go get ’em!


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My One Word Life Mantra is “Forward”

October 17, 2016

I picked up a little book when I was traveling with my daughter and set it next to my bed when I returned home.  It is called Design Your Day by Claire Diaz-Ortiz.  It is maybe 100 pages.  I didn’t pick it up for weeks and honestly I only moved it to dust, which means I didn’t move it at all.    So a couple of nights ago I read a little of the book and I got to a point and stopped: it really had me thinking.  Don’t you love books like that?  Books that, with a few paragraphs, make a huge impression on you.

In the book , Diaz-Ortiz talks about picking one word of the year.  The year might not be a year: it might be a season or a time period, like before my son’s wedding, or this fall, or before the holidays.  But, I like the concept of the word.  So I started thinking about what my word should be.  I had a few in mind, but it took some time to zero in on just the right one.

My first thought was…freedom.  That’s what I am trying to accomplish in my personal life certainly…attaining freedom.  But, it wasn’t quite right. Then, when talking to a friend, a young man, someone I wouldn’t expect to get it, he said, “Good, but every time you think of the word freedom it will remind you of a time that you didn’t feel that freedom.”  Wow, that was deep.  So freedom was out.

My next thought was the word success.  But that felt too final.  Like something you’ve achieved, not something you work on every day.  While I like finding small successes in my daily life, success comes at the end, not the during the journey.  And, if I have achieved success, then what?  Not quite right either.

So, here it is, here is my word for now (drum roll please)…forward.  My word for the next, I don’t know, 6 months to a year is forward.  That is what I am about and that is where I want to go and that is who I want to become, someone who is always moving forward.  To me it means that what I think, say or do should be helping me to achieve forward motion.  And, if I feel like I am off track or if I feel like I am moving in the other direction, I can shift my focus and get going again.

That is as far as I read in the book.  I wanted to wait to continue until I had my word, so now I can read on.  This is not a book recommendation since that’s as far as I read, but just that piece itself has helped me get some perspective on my direction and I plan to read further.

What’s your word?   If you are not moving in the right direction for you, maybe you need a new word, one that reflects who you are or who you want to be.  Once you have it, you may be more clear about your life and your goals and can plan how to get there.

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Being Alone Vs. Being Lonely

September 21, 2016

I am an only child, so I have always been used to being alone.  And, I love being alone.  In my single years, I rented apartments that I could afford on my own, I didn’t have roommates.  I was super social and always out so when I came home it was all mine.  I was never lonely.  I loved reading and watching TV and knitting and was totally happy alone in my apartment.  Then I got married.

It took a while for me to get used to living with another person, although he was my husband.  And, he was a mess.  I am not a neat freak but this was a whole new level.  But, when we bought our first house our new normal set in and I got used to living with another person.  We had enough room to get away from each other when we needed to and life settled in.  Then came baby number one, and baby number two and baby number three.  I didn’t have time to be alone or lonely.  I just kept moving forward.

However, as the kids starting to grow and go to school and participate in after-school activities I noticed that I didn’t just have time alone, which I loved, I was lonely.  I had plenty to do and I worked outside the home off and on during that time but I was so lonely.  I tried to explain it to my husband but failed to make a connection there.  He really didn’t care how I was feeling as long as it didn’t interfere with his life and livelihood. Over the next couple of decades, I felt lonely most of the time in my marriage.  I loved the kids and our family and friends, but I was lonely.  My husband knew it.

The Kids Grew Up

When the kids went off to college, I filled my days and evenings and weekends with lots of activities and work, but I was still lonely, and it wasn’t my imagination and it wasn’t the blues or hormonal changes, it was real loneliness.  The writing was on the wall but I ignored it in order to keep the family together for as long a possible.  I was the only one in the marriage.

I moved out and was living alone again for the first time in 30 years.  I vacillated between the highest highs and the lowest lows on a daily basis. Now I wasn’t just lonely, I was alone, too.  And there were plenty of nights when I thought being in a bad marriage was better than being in no marriage at all.  I was wrong.  It took me a year to get to this point, but I am no longer lonely, I’m just alone and I love it.

I am back to reading and knitting and watching TV when I am not out with friends, and I am out with friends a lot.  I have to work at it.  I am often the one making plans and inviting friends to join me and sometimes they can.  If not, I go alone.  I’m a big girl, I can do that.

Time Alone

There are still times when I am feeling lonely, mostly when I have a weekend with nothing to do.  I feel like everyone goes home to their loved ones and I just go home.  And, I know that I haven’t seen the last of the loneliness monster.  But, I find that I enjoy my time alone again.  I feel a little bit like I used to when I was young: my place is my own little sanctuary.

Here is what I know…

  1. I know the difference between loneliness and being alone.  They are very different and they feel very different.  One brings sadness and the other feels more like contentment.
  2. Being alone is a temporary condition of geography: I’m just somewhere where there aren’t any other people at the moment.  Being lonely is internal and isn’t a function of locale.
  3. Both are beneficial.  I know I’m not happy when I am lonely and I have to find a way to change my circumstances.  When I am alone, I have time to reflect, time to plan and time to grow.  It is when I dream, make lists and plan travel.  I am happy when I’m alone.
  4. If it is painful, it’s loneliness…if it’s just quiet, it’s alone time.
  5. I can go to the movie when I am alone and eat as much popcorn and M&Ms as I want and laugh as loud as I want.  If I am lonely…well…who am I kidding, popcorn and M&Ms make that better, too.
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Setbacks and Starting Over at Sixty

August 24, 2016

I have done everything I can to embrace this new life of mine, starting over at sixty.  I try to be in forward motion as much as I can.  Husband won’t leave the house…move. Don’t have a lot of single friends…make some new friends.  Nothing to do this weekend…go visit a friend.  That’s just how I have propelled myself forward, trying to will myself into happiness and hoping for no setbacks, no bumps in the road.

But, no matter how much I try to move forward with blinders on, not letting anything deter me from being happy again, those demons can still creep up and bring me to my knees.

That happened a couple of weeks ago.  I just hit the wall.  I couldn’t pretend my life is great one more minute.  I felt like everyone around me was living life and having a blast, but me.  I wanted my family back, I wanted my house back, I wanted my life back. I wanted to be thinking about a great trip for us all to take for the holidays: not to think about whether or not I would be traveling alone.  Or think about how the kids would be joining me later after they see their father.  I didn’t want to be thinking about how we’ll all be split up over Thanksgiving. Hate it hate it hate it.  And, with fall around the corner, the dread just came over me.

And then…it passed.  I cried for about two days, and then it passed.  It didn’t resolve itself, it just passed through me.  I started to feel like maybe the worst is over.  It doesn’t get better and it doesn’t go away.  It just passes through me and washes over me then drifts out the window.  And when it comes back, it isn’t as bad anymore, isn’t as intense.  I can handle it.  Progress has been made. Not forever, but for now and for today.


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I’m a Cougar, at My New College That Is

February 2, 2016

Repost from 2/2/2016

It is official…I am a Cougar!  And all I had to do was turn 60 and pay $2.00.

Since I am 60 and live in Ohio I have the opportunity to audit college classes free of charge at some, if not all, state universities.  I wanted to take a class that would really expand my horizons, take me out of my comfort zone, teach me to think differently.  So I decided to take…wait for it… Accounting!

I should have taken an accounting class 40 years ago but I did not.  I should have taken an accounting class before I bought a restaurant franchise but I did not.  So, better late than never.  I looked at what I was offered at Ohio State since I am a Buckeye, but it was limited.  So I took a look at Columbus State Community College and there it was.  In bright lights.  Introduction to Accounting.  Yes.  And, I could even take it online.  Even better.

CSCC is just about a block from where I live, but I loved the idea of online class, since that is about as foreign to me as accounting itself. I am now three weeks behind because I couldn’t figure out how to navigate the online learning system.  I had forgotten that I took a class at Columbus State about 35 years ago.  So to them I am not Pharer…I am Pdaniel.  Perfect.  I stopped in to the bookstore to pick up my textbook.  I guess I didn’t really pay attention to the cost of the individual books as my three children went to undergrad.  My textbook was $153.00.  Now I am afraid to make a mark in it.

So this week I am playing catch-up, just me and my big, giant, expensive book.  The hour set aside for Web Chat is Friday at 7 pm.  What?  Don’t they know that we “Good as Gold” students are finishing up dinner by then (kidding)?

So, here is the best part.  The Columbus State mascot is the Cougar.  I am a Cougar!  Ironic, don’t you think?  Sixty years old, soon to be single and a Cougar.

Can’t wait to try out for Drill Team!

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