Think about the beginning of the year.  January 1st.  It’s a time when we make plans for the next 12 months.  We promise ourselves that we will do all the things we didn’t do last year.  Then we don’t, and so the cycle goes.

Well, I would like to suggest that we treat September like January and see how much we can accomplish in the next few months.  Here’s my thinking: the lazy days of summer are behind us and we have a while before the holidays kick us into high gear. Why not make this time a productive and exciting way to say goodbye 2019!

Remember last January when you made big promises to yourself, only to fall short on the follow-through a little? Now, it’s easy to say to ourselves, “Well, I’ll just wait until the beginning of the year to (fill-in the blank).   It might be to lose weight, get in shape, become more organized, learn Spanish.  Whatever you didn’t get to this year, you can just push it off until after the holidays.  No no no, not good enough!

What better time could there be to become more organized than the end of the year, rather than waiting until you have your head in a vice trying to pull together your 2019 records.  Or, if you want to get into better shape, why not get started before the holidays so you have some wiggle room going in?  Want to learn a new skill?  How proud will you be of yourself when you are already on your way by 2020?

As women over 50, 60 and 70, we should be keenly aware of time flying by: we all experience the feeling.  I get mad at myself when I do, don’t you?  So make a plan to accomplish just one extra thing before the end of Q4.  Just one.  Whatever it is.  I feel happier just thinking about being able to play Silent Night on the piano for my family.  And, I can if I make the call to start lessons in the next week or so.  I am going to do it.  And, I hope you will, too.  Don’t let October, November and December slip through your fingers without making the best of them.  Your accomplishments will be mood lifters for sure!

What are you going to do to make good use of the last few months of the year?  If you want to go deeper into this topic, join us on the Starting Over at Sixty Sisters Program private Facebook page for weekly videos and to-dos to help you propel yourself forward.  And, it’s all free in September.