Month: February 2018

Keep Your Core Strong to Keep Your Balance

February 3, 2018

As I am sure you have heard, it is important to keep your core strong.  As we age we lose some of our balance, and without that important balance we fall and trip and have a hard time getting in and out of chairs.  You may not notice it now, but just wait, it’s coming.  So, if you are like me, you want to do everything you can to stay strong throughout your core so you need less help moving in the years to come.  Even if you are someone who never exercises (and if you don’t exercise this is even more important for you to get started), improving your core strength is critical for your future.  So, I grabbed my friend Nano Anderson (Cuffed by Nano, The Butcher Shop Fitness) to help demonstrate a couple of key moves that will help you strengthen your core and maintain your balance.  We shot this at The Butcher Shop, a Lagree Studio,  so you could see the moves from all angles.  Let me just say that if I can have my picture taken next to Miss Nano you know I think this is important!  I hope you will add these to your morning routine to improve your life in the future.

How You Can Keep Your Core Strong.  Start with a Plank, then Make It Harder

You can start out with a basic plank, which isn’t easy.  Put your hands and feet on the floor, and straighten out your back.  As with every exercise here, suck in your tummy, trying to touch your spine with your belly-button.  If you can hold this for 30 seconds, that’s a good start.  Continue to increase your time until you have reached one minute.  Then, to change it up and take it further, add in a one-armed plank for 15 seconds then switch arms.  Always protect your back by sucking in your gut!  If you haven’t worked out your abs in a long time, you may need to start your planks on your knees.  And, remember, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.
keep your core strong


Push-ups can be done at a number of different levels. Nano and I are just showing you a few.  I have my hands raised to make it a little easier and Nano is all in with a version of the real deal.  So while I am starting up in the air, my goal is to do what she is doing.  You can modify the push-up by putting your hands on a wall or a kitchen counter to start, then slowly move your hands down toward the floor, or as I like to say, you go from being a Paula to being a Nano!  Remember, the only way to do these is with your tummy sucked in to protect your back and strengthen your core.  Here are a few examples to follow.

keep your core sgtrong

keep your core strong

Twist and Shout

This exercise is tough but effective.  Sit on your bottom and bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor.  Lean back, hinging at your bottom, as far as you can go without putting a strain on your back.  Again, suck that belly-button into your spine.  Now, twist one direction then another, slowly.  You can cross your arms at your chest, hold them out in front of you or even add a small weight like my friend Nano is demonstrating.  Keep going as long as you can and increase the number over time.  If you aren’t feeling this one you aren’t performing it correctly!  It is a killer but effective.  Take a look below.

twist and shoutkeep your core strong

keep your core strong

keep your core strong


The name says it all and this is great for your lower back.  It is pretty simple.  Just lay on your stomach, relaxing your body.  Then, lift your arms and legs off the ground, pointing everything, really reaching your fingers and toes as far as you can.  You will actually feel like Superman.  Tighten your abs. Count to ten, then lower for a few seconds and do it again.  Really hold your tummy in and feel that great stretch.  Maybe you can perform some superhuman good deeds while you are at it!

keep your core strong

Crossover Balance Move

The mere mention of this exercise by my trainer makes me start to cry.  It is nearly impossible for me, but important.  And, when you get just one done from start to finish you will be so proud of yourself.  Stand on your left foot with the right arm in the air.  Lift the right foot behind you and use it to help you balance.  Slowly bend over and try to touch your left toes with your right hand.  If you are like me you will have to try about eight times even to get this far.  Then stand up straight again, with your arm overhead.  When you have completed eight, go to the other side.  The only good thing about these for me is that every once in a while I can do them all without having to put the other foot on the ground and I am elated.

keep your core strong

keep your core strong

keep your core strong

If you do nothing else over the next month to six weeks, challenge yourself to do 10 minutes of core work every other day.  That’s not much.  I can’t tell you that you will look thinner or weigh less or appear chiseled, but I can tell you that it will make a difference down the road.

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