About six months ago I found myself at a low point. Things weren’t going well and something just had to give. I planned a little trip to get away from things for a few days and threw my bike in my car. Nothing fancy, just had t get out fo town. I had no idea at the time, but I had actually figured out a strategy for making change in my own life and you can do the same: create your own disruptor.

While I was on that long weekend away I saw things so clearly. I was able to make a plan. Just the simple act of physically leaving my troubles behind had created a situation that disrupted my thinking and opened up a path to make changes to fix what was broken.

Fast forward and I have been feeling the same way that I did several months ago: certain aspects of my life just haven’t been working well. I have been stuck in a bad situation that felt like it had no end in sight and has been bringing me down for a year. It hit a low point this week and I knew I had to do something.

Coincidently, I hopped on a plane this week to visit my son and when I was on the plane, I mean just a few hours after we departed, I became so clear about how I was going to move forward on this issue. Crazy, right? And just like that, the weight of the world seemed to lift right off my shoulders. It was magic.

The only way I can describe this new tactic is that I created my own disruptor: for me, just the act of getting myself out of my routine and putting a little distance between me and my worries gave me such clarity that I feel like a new woman. It’s not that the problems are gone, but by disrupting my daily life pattern, I am able to see them in a different light.

I promise you that these difficulties are not over, but the load is dramatically decreased and it is because I changed my thoughts by disrupting my surroundings and feelings about them.

I know that disruptor is kind of a buzz word, but it’s the only way I can think to describe what is working for me. It is a pivot. A turning on your heels. And I feel like I might need to do something like this about every six months to clear my head for the next challenges.

For you, create your own disruptor if you need some clarity; if you need to make some change when things aren’t going at all the way you thought they would. You know what to do now. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Your disruption can be whatever you want it to be, but it should get you away from your daily life and surroundings, kind of like your own private retreat.